
Quick Links (What to Read)
Updated April 4, 2021

Publisher of Into the Ruins, a quarterly magazine of deindustrial science fiction, Joel Caris is an author and essayist who cuts across genres, engaging elements of science fiction, weird fiction, magical realism, horror, and literary fiction. Recurrent themes in his work include ecology, environmentalism, farming and gardening, appropriate technology, mythology, polytheism, the occult, and more. He believes in the power of storytelling to reshape the narratives of our times—while actually being entertaining rather than pretentious.

Joel lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Kate. He works for a local food nonprofit, spent five years working on small scale, sustainable farms in the Pacific Northwest, gardens, preserves food, walks around the city and takes the occasional hike, enjoys road trips and visiting national parks, and reads voraciously.

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